Normally I am opposed to including the exclamation mark on the end of “Yahoo!”; I hate punctuation in company names and I just refuse to acknowledge it. Do you hear me Beverages, And More!? However news of Microsoft’s hostile takeover bid for Yahoo! this morning caused such a collective plotz here in Silicon Valley that I ran to stand in the doorway of my bedroom, thinking the Big One had hit. It’s worthy of gratuitous punctuation, is what I’m saying.
Microsoft’s offer is at a 62% premium over Yahoo!’s current stock price, and given Yahoo!’s seeming determination to screw the pooch I think if I were a Yahoo! stock holder I’d be saying, “Helllooooo, Master Bill! Come give me your filthy filthy!”
This development will be discussed extensively by all the usual suspects, so I won’t belabor it any further. Yahoo!