iPhone Changes The Mobile Search Conversation

Two recent related stories point to the continued flux in the mobile search market: 1. To the surprise of no one who has paid the least attention to the hype, the iPhone has increased its share of the US smartphone market quite rapidly for such a new entrant into the market. It is now the… Continue reading iPhone Changes The Mobile Search Conversation

Yahoo Users Tend To Spend Less: No Kidding!

A study released last Friday by Hitwise is causing lots of discussion: graphing search engine use against some of their demographic data, they assert that people who use Yahoo tend to buy less stuff online. To which anyone working in search replies, no duh!  Client after client, our data shows that while impressions and even… Continue reading Yahoo Users Tend To Spend Less: No Kidding!

Beth, You Naughty Thing

Well. A sudden new entrant is taking the Beth Morgan scene by storm. Although Beth Morgan news tends to be dominated by cricket Beth Morgan, the chatter these days is about a very, very naughty Beth Morgan in Australia who approved controversial real estate developments in exchange for sex and cash. Beth! That is shocking!… Continue reading Beth, You Naughty Thing

Industry Standard: A 1.0 Brand Hops On The 2.0 Train

Remember 10 years ago, when we were all using Yahoo? In between searches we were reading The Industry Standard so we could find out all about which <insert merch>.com company had just gotten $50 million in funding and celebrated by hosting a party with Carlos Santana performing the background music at cocktail hour. (I’m kidding,… Continue reading Industry Standard: A 1.0 Brand Hops On The 2.0 Train

Microsoft Gets All Hostile On Yahoo!

Normally I am opposed to including the exclamation mark on the end of “Yahoo!”; I hate punctuation in company names and I just refuse to acknowledge it. Do you hear me Beverages, And More!? However news of Microsoft’s hostile takeover bid for Yahoo! this morning caused such a collective plotz here in Silicon Valley that… Continue reading Microsoft Gets All Hostile On Yahoo!

Google & Publicis Hop In Bed

Anyone who works in advertising knows that Google has been diligently working to build up its traditional agency skills… let’s just say the recruiters are not shy about calling you right at your current job to see if you’d rather have free lunch at Google instead. That makes this announcement about Google forming a partnership… Continue reading Google & Publicis Hop In Bed

Remember When We All Used Yahoo?

It is hard to remember in these Googly days that there was a time not so long ago when the boys from Yahoo were all anyone wanted to talk about. The search engines were fighting it out for share, and I actually selected Alta Vista as my preferred engine based on its spectacular results for… Continue reading Remember When We All Used Yahoo?